In this post I’m going to show you cool windows trick that will make your computer talks what you type . This would be fun to do on someone else’s computer as a joke.
1. Open Notepad
2. Paste the following code
2. Paste the following code
Dim Message, Speak
Message=InputBox("Enter Text to Talk o","Speak")
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak Message
3. Save the file, give it any name, but make sure you also type .VBS after the name. Also, for the Save as type box, choose All files instead of the default Text Documents.
4. Now double click the .vbs file and you should see the window as show below
5. Type what ever you want and click on OK . That’s it , your computer will speak what ever you typed in the default voice
If you want to make your computer repeat the words then add a loop. Here is the code :
Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("Enter the text you want spoken","speak this")
set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
For i=1 to 10
sapi. Speak message
It will repeat the same word a ten times.
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